Monday, June 9, 2008

Gun ban in Seattle

Over at The High Road they are reporting that Mayor Greg Nickels of Seattle has issued an executive order baning guns in the city.

Previous on December 23, 2007, Mayor Nickels office released a press statement that:
the City of Seattle [...], with funding from the Joyce Foundation
With funding from the Joyce Foundation, very interesting. First of all, why is a private organization funding a city event? Secondly, the Joyce Foundation want to end gun violence, by ending the right for american citizens to keep and bear arms.

According to the Joyce Foundation's mission statement they are focused on issues related to the area around the great lakes, so what are they doing in Seattle? And who exactly is the Joyce Foundation. Well among some of the groups they support include the Violence Policy Center, one of the most anti-gun groups in Washington, D.C. (and interestingly enough, the holder of Federal Firearms License in the District of Columbia). And who do you think was on the board of the Joyce Foundation? None other than Mr. Change himself, Barack Obama.

I guess if you want to see more total gun bans, in blatant disregard of the Second Amendment, then Obama's your man.

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