Monday, February 2, 2009

What can the Obama administration for libertarians

This morning during my drive into work I started to think about what issues libertarians should push for the Obama administration and the Democrat controlled congress to enact. The one issue I think that could be good for the country and popular with many Democrats is an end to the war on Drugs.

Money spent fighting the War on Drugs could be put into drug rehabilitation programs and harm reduction programs. This would do many things including:
  1. Reduce the prison population
  2. Improve healthcare
  3. Reduce spending on the failed War on Drugs


duncandancer said...

I think this is a very interesting question, because there are some areas, in social issues and international relations/military, where Dems and Libertarians share overlap. This discussion would be VERY well served at this year's FreedomFest, July 9-11, in Las Vegas. All the info is at

Jaz said...

If you’re an alcoholic or drug addict, there’s no better way to treat the disease of addiction than in an addiction recovery program at a certified addiction center.

Independent Thinker said...

I just recently wrote an article on my blog about legalizing marijuana. My research showed that we would conservatively save $7.7 billion in government expenditures annually on prohibition enforcement and Revenue from taxation of marijuana sales would, if it were taxed like alcohol or tobacco, conservatively bring in $6.2 billion annually.